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Participant profile details

Navigate to MY ACCOUNT >> INDIVIDUALS. Administrators can click on the name of the participant to see the Participant Profile, which has details on the address, date of birth, current age, GymBC# and the memberships the participant is registered in. As seasons pass, the administrator can view the memberships/events from previous seasons by changing the filter in the drop-down menu beside the “Registered Memberships” heading.

Under the Registered Memberships, administrators can view the club that registered the individual and the invoice number. Note: A link to view the invoice is only accessible to administrators of the same club.

[The sub-menu shown in the Participant Profile (calendar, message board, achievements, development goals, evaluations) will not currently be applicable to Gymnastics BC registrations.]


How to add a participant profile

Administrators can add participant profiles in one of two methods:

A. File Import

B. Single Add New Participant

  1. Navigate to My Account >> Individuals >> Add New Individual
  2. Fill in the required fields.

If an existing profile is found refer to the FINDING A MATCH instructions below.

In order to avoid creating a duplicate account, refer to the best practices listed HERE.


Adding an existing participant profile TO your club
(For Club member accounts)


To search for an existing participant profile (i.e. someone that you believe belongs to another GymBC member club already or used to belong to another club) navigate to My Account >> Individuals >> Find Individual.

Note: When looking for an existing profile you will be required to enter a minimum of first name, last name, gender, birthdate, postal code, and GymBC#. If you do not have the postal code or GymBC#, the search may still work if you simply enter a "V" in the postal code field and a "1" into the GymBC# field. After you have populated the data of the individual you are searching for, click the FIND INDIVIDUAL button.

If a profile with similar or exact information has been found, a Select Individual window will pop up to prompt the administrator to either select an individual or cancel. Note: you will need to click the "Select" radio button before you can click the SELECT INDIVIDUAL button.

If clicking the SELECT INDIVIDUAL button returns an error message to add the remaining address fields or the Select Individual window does not pop up, this means that the individual either (i) does not have an existing profile OR (ii) the details you have entered do not match their existing profile. 


Finding a Match From Import

During the validation process, an icon  will appear beside the row stating a matching individual found. You can then click the  button to view the possible matches to determine whether your import will add to the existing profile and overwrite any changes or create a new individual.


Note: The program will only be able to find matches if the data is exact or nearly exact to the existing profiles. In order to prevent duplicate participants, follow the best practices available HERE.


Note: Twins will always come up as a possible match. They have the required number of criteria designed to identify a possible match; however, the criteria is not an exact match (i.e. different first names). In these cases, the program alerts you that there is a possible match so you can determine whether or not this is an existing profile or a new individual. 

Adding an existing participant profile 
(For Individual Accounts)


To search for an existing participant profile, follow the steps below.

  1. Navigate to My Account >> Individuals >> Add New Individual
  2. Fill in the required fields. Note: When looking for an existing profile you will be required to enter a minimum of first name, last name, gender, birthdate and postal code. Make sure to get this information from your club before proceeding. If you do not have the postal code, The search may still work if you simply enter a "V" in the postal code field.

 After clicking ADD INDIVIDUAL, the program will run a search for possible existing profiles. If a profile with the exact information has been found, the participant profile will be added to the account.

If clicking the ADD INDIVIDUAL button returns an error message to add the remaining address fields or the GymBC# is being used by another participant, this means that individual either (i) does not have an existing profile OR (ii) the details you have entered do not match their existing profile. If this occurs, contact the club that created their profile to confirm the information they used.


How to edit a participant profile

Administrators can edit participant profiles by following the steps below.

  1. Navigate to My Account >> Individuals
  2. Use the filters if necessary to help find the individual you are looking for.
  3. Click on the individual’s name.
  4. Update their details as required.
  5. Click Save.

Preventing Duplicate Participant profiles

If a duplicate profile is created then the program will not be able to discount the appropriate fees and will not recognize if that individual has already been registered for the season.

To prevent the creation of duplicate participant profiles, please follow the best practices below.


Up-to-date Participant Information

Keep participant information up-to-date to ensure subsequent registrations are added to the correct profile.


Accurate Data Entry

Please take special care to enter the correct spelling of FIRST NAME and LAST NAME, the order of the day and month in the DATE OF BIRTH and the format of the POSTAL CODE. These fields are used to search for possible matches; therefore, it is important to enter accurate information.


SEARCHING for Existing Participants

If you add a new individual that has similar information to an existing account, the program may prompt you to confirm the possible match. Click HERE for more information about adding existing profiles.


Review Invoices

As a last check, it is recommended to review each invoice in detail immediately after receiving it to ensure that the charges are correct. Click HERE for more information on reviewing invoices.



How to Search for Participant profiles

Searching in your club’s account

To search for a participant profile in your club’s account, follow the steps below.

  1. Navigate to MY ACCOUNT.
  2. Click on INDIVIDUALS.
  3. You can scroll through the list of individuals or click on FILTER INDIVIDUALS BY to open the search.
  4. Begin typing the name in the "SEARCH FOR AN INDIVIDUAL" field.
    TIP! Check the box for "Only Show Individuals Registered by this Club" if you only want to search for individuals your club has registered.
  5. Click FILTER to start the search.


Searching FOR EXISTING profiles from other club accounts

To search for a participant profile from other club accounts, follow the same steps above for adding an existing participant profile.

Add an existing participant profile (for CLUB MEMBER accounts)

Add an existing participant profile (for INDIVIDUAL accounts)

To prevent duplicate profiles, follow the best practices listed HERE.

Note: Contact Gymnastics BC Member Services Manager,, if you cannot find an existing profile.

Where to find a participant’s GymBC#

Registered participants will receive a GymBC# that is unique to each individual. This number will remain the same season over season.

The GymBC# is saved in each participant’s profile. To review the details:

  1. Log in to the club’s account and navigate to My Account >> Individuals.
  2. The summary view will show the GymBC#.
  3. You can also click on the individual’s name to view more details.

For more information on participant profile details, click HERE.

Note: Individual Accounts searching for existing profiles will need the GymBC# before proceeding. Please contact your club's administrator to obtain the GymBC# for your participant profile.



If you have further questions, please contact the Gymnastics BC Member Services Manager,

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